As you will have gathered from the lack of postings I haven't been buying Lobby cards! My buying interests have now moved to UK Pre Certificate videos and all my cash has been going on this instead. I'm going to keep the blog up though as I have it link to various forum signatures and who knows maybe one days I'll start up again.
For now though thanks for the few people you posted and I hope to see you all again in the future!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, August 1, 2008
Giallo (4)
* Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion/ Le foto proibite di un a signora per bene (Luciano Ercoli, 1970):

Poliziesco all'Italiana/ Crime (2)
* Cry Of A Prostitute/ Quelli che contano (Adelchi Bianchi, 1974)

* The Devil Has Seven Faces/ Il diavolo a sette facce (Osvaldo Civirani, 1971) - Not sure whether this should be in the Gialli scetion or not but for the time being it's sitting here...

* The Last Round/ Il conto e chiuso (Stelvio Massi, 1971):

* The Devil Has Seven Faces/ Il diavolo a sette facce (Osvaldo Civirani, 1971) - Not sure whether this should be in the Gialli scetion or not but for the time being it's sitting here...

* The Last Round/ Il conto e chiuso (Stelvio Massi, 1971):

Update (again...)
Well my hopes of getting everything up and onto the site has been hampered somewhat by a lack of time and the fact that my spreadsheet on which I had typed all the details of the cards was deleted off my work computer..... Ah well there's nothing like a challenge! So at the moment I'm trying to figure out what I've got photos of, what needs to be photographed and then get them on the site. I've put my UK VHS Pre-Cert collecting to one side for the moment in order to get this thing up to date and back on track.... Thanks for those who have commented and hopefully this thing will be completed sometime this century!!!!
Women In Prison (WIP) Lobby Cards added (scroll down to earlier posts)
Naziploitation section added
Added more Euro Crime and Euro Horror titles
To follow:
Some Erotica and various general films
Women In Prison (WIP) Lobby Cards added (scroll down to earlier posts)
Naziploitation section added
Added more Euro Crime and Euro Horror titles
To follow:
Some Erotica and various general films
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Easter holiday came and went and I still haven't finished updating the blog. I have managed to get a few more photos on there from previous posts that I had started to edit and I hope to get more up there soon. I'm also hoping to put some links to other sites (whether they be blogs or sites specifically dedicated to MLCs) so if you know of any then please let me know.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Apologies for the neglect!
Apologies to those of you who have posted on my blog as I've been away from the site! However with the upcoming Easter holiday I hope to get back to adding the rest of my collection to the site and linking up with fellow collectors.
So watch this space!
So watch this space!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Naziploitation (1)
* Red Nights Of The Gestapo/ Le lunghe notti della Gestapo (De Agostini, 1979)

* SS Camp 5: Women's Hell/ SS Lager: L' inferno delle donne (Sergio Garrone, 1977) - I'm a little uncertain as to which Garrone film this is (he made 2 Naziploitation films back-to-back) but given the French title is Roses rouges pour le Fuhrer I'm guessing it's this one.

* Deported Women Of The SS Special Section/ Le deportate della sezione speciale SS (Rino Di Silvestro, 1976)

* Achtung! The Desert Tigers/ Kaput lager - gli ultimati giorni delle SS (Luigi Batzella, 1977) - Poster

* SS Camp 5: Women's Hell/ SS Lager: L' inferno delle donne (Sergio Garrone, 1977) - I'm a little uncertain as to which Garrone film this is (he made 2 Naziploitation films back-to-back) but given the French title is Roses rouges pour le Fuhrer I'm guessing it's this one.
* Deported Women Of The SS Special Section/ Le deportate della sezione speciale SS (Rino Di Silvestro, 1976)
* Achtung! The Desert Tigers/ Kaput lager - gli ultimati giorni delle SS (Luigi Batzella, 1977) - Poster

American Horror (2)
* Graduation Day (Herb Freed, 1981)

* Hospital Massacre/ X-Ray (Boaz Davidson, 1982)
* Hospital Massacre/ X-Ray (Boaz Davidson, 1982)
* Invisible Strangler (John Florea, 1976)
* Kiss Of The Tarantula (Chris Munger, 1976)
American Horror (1)
* The Baby (Ted Post, 1973)

* Communion/ Alice, Sweet Alice (Alfred Sole, 1976)

* The Child (Robert Voskanian, 1977)
* Delirium (Peter Maris, 1979)
* The Evictors (Charles B. Pierce, 1979)
* Communion/ Alice, Sweet Alice (Alfred Sole, 1976)
* The Child (Robert Voskanian, 1977)

Euro Horror (4)
* Terror (Norman J. Warren, 1978)

* Trauma/ Violación fatal (León Klimovsky, 1978)
* Trauma/ Violación fatal (León Klimovsky, 1978)
* The Vampires Night Orgy/ La orgía nocturna de los vampiros (León Klimovsky, 1973)
Euro Horror (3)
* Mark Of The Devil/ Hexen bis aufs blut gequalt (Micheal Armstrong, 1970) - There are two alternative cards for this one.

* The Night Evelyn Came Out Of The Grave/La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba (Emilio Miraglia, 1971)

* Possession (Andrzej Zulawski, 1981)

* Phenomena (Dario Argento, 1985)

* The Night Evelyn Came Out Of The Grave/La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba (Emilio Miraglia, 1971)
* Possession (Andrzej Zulawski, 1981)
* Phenomena (Dario Argento, 1985)
Blaxploitation (3)
* Shaft’s Big Score! (Gordon Parks, 1972)

* Slaughter! (Jack Starrett, 1972)

* TNT Jackson (Cirio Santiago, 1975)

* Trouble Man (Ivan Dixon, 1972)
* Slaughter! (Jack Starrett, 1972)
* TNT Jackson (Cirio Santiago, 1975)
* Trouble Man (Ivan Dixon, 1972)
Blaxploitation (2)
* Bucktown (Arthur Marks, 1975)

* Coffy (Jack Hill, 1973)
* The Human Tornado (Cliff Roquemore, 1976)
* Savage! (Cirio Santiago, 1972)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Euro Horror (2)
* House Of Whipcord (Pete Walker, 1974)
* Inferno (Dario Argento, 80)
* Jack The Ripper/Jack el destripado de Londres (Madrid, 1971)
* Dr. M schlägt zu (Jess Franco, 1972)

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